Credit Repair: Make a Plan, Improve Your Credit, Avoid Scams
Bad credit can get better
Bad credit can prevent you from getting a mortgage, car loan, credit card, apartment, or even a job. The sensible strategies in Credit Repair help you take control of your finances, clean up your credit reports and rebuild your credit. Learn how to:
- prioritize debts and create a budget
- reduce debts and cut expenses
- negotiate with creditors
- correct credit report errors and remove old information
- add positive information to your credit reports
- adopt strategies to rebuild your credit, and
- avoid identity theft and credit repair scams.
The 16th edition covers when a lender must explain credit decisions and the latest strategies for dealing with student loan debt. It also includes recent debt collection developments, such as limitations on how often a collector can call and restrictions on a collector's use of texts, emails, and social media.
Author: Amy Loftsgordon, Cara O'Neill
Binding Type: Paperback
Publisher: NOLO
Published: 10/29/2024
Pages: 424
Weight: 1.1lbs
Size: 8.90h x 6.93w x 0.87d
ISBN: 9781413332094